Recertified: Magnavox Blu-ray Disc Player RNB500MS9

Recertified: Magnavox Blu-ray Disc Player RNB500MS9
alaAverage 4

4 Tests

Sep 2024

alaTest hat 4 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Recertified: Magnavox Blu-ray Disc Player RNB500MS9 zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.0/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.0/5 für andere Produkte.

Im Durchschnitt haben Anwender dieses Produkt mit 80/100 bewertet.


(Basierend auf 4 Bewertungen)



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Kundenmeinung (

Very Satisfied


Bought this for my dad, to complete his entry level hd home entertainment center. And he can't stop raving about it. Not sure why so many others have had so much trouble.

Easy setup, does what its supposed to do, the audio and video up-conversion works really well on dvds as well as cds, for $90 delivered its an awesome simple BlueRay player

no internet surfing ability, no netflix streaming, and no resume function. (But alot of blueray players can't resume. why is that i wonder?)

Dez 2009

Kundenmeinung (

Can't Upgrade Firmware


I'm going to have to call Magnavox and see what is going on, the unit might be corrupted and need replacing, which is too bad because cosmetically this unit was pristine for a refurb.

Excellent player, easy to set up, upconverts standard DVDs quite well and has a pretty quick load time for Blu-ray... I'm watching I Am Legend as I type this

Can not upgrade the firmware, tried downloading the file and burning it multiple times on DVD+R, DVDRW and CDR disks. Tried from several computers with different operating systems... no luck. I keep getting an error message that the disk may not have...

Dez 2009

Kundenmeinung (



Good buy got and upconvert for myself that happens to also play bluray YEAH!!!

It works right out of the box

few scrapes and bruises but for 99.00 it is a good deal for an upconvert dvd player after mine crapped out

Sep 2009

Kundenmeinung (

not bad


can't beat it for the price. Watchmen Blu-Ray looks great

Works, Cheap and great picture

start-up seems glitchie

Aug 2009

Preisvergleich für Recertified: Magnavox Blu-ray Disc Player RNB500MS9

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