Revel Performa surround speaker system

Revel Performa surround speaker system
alaScore -1

3 Tests

Sep 2024

Wir haben 3 Testberichte aus internationalen Quellen analysiert. Das durchschnittliche Testberichtdatum ist der 2004-12-10. Wir haben diese Testberichte mit 1096192 Testberichten über Lautsprecher / Boxen verglichen. Letztes Update: 2024-09-19.


(Basierend auf 3 Bewertungen)

3 Testberichte


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Expertenbewertung von : Steven Stone (

Revel Performa surround speaker system


In 2000, Revel debuted their Performa line, which incorporated much of the proprietary technology from the Ultima series, but at lower prices. Now Revel has introduced the second generation of Performa speakers, which promise additional technical...

Dez 2004

Expertenbewertung von : Steven Stone (

Revel Performa surround speaker system


Since Revel's formation in 1996, few other speaker makers have garnered as much critical acclaim for their products. Revel speakers have a reputation for not only sounding wonderful, but also measuring well and having striking good looks. The only...

Dez 2004

Expertenbewertung von : Steven Stone (

Revel Performa surround speaker system


Since Revel's formation in 1996, few other speaker makers have garnered as much critical acclaim for their products. Revel speakers have a reputation for not only sounding wonderful, but also measuring well and having striking good looks. The only...

Dez 2004

Preisvergleich für Revel Performa surround speaker system

No prices for this product

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