DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers

DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers
alaScore 88

10 Tests

Sep 2024

alaTest hat 10 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.8/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.3/5 für andere Produkte. Die Bedienbarkeit und die Größe wird von vielen Testern gelobt, der Klang wird ebenfalls positiv bewertet.

Klang, Größe, Bedienbarkeit

Wir haben sowohl Nutzer- als auch Expertenbewertungen, Produktalter und weitere Faktoren ausgewertet. Im Vergleich zu anderen Produkte erzielt DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers einen alaScore™ von 88/100 = Sehr gut.


(Basierend auf 10 Bewertungen)


10 Bewertung(en)

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Kundenmeinung (audioreview.com)

DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers


I love these speakers, and I've had them for ages. Due to an accident, I just broke one of the binding posts, and I'm trying to source the best replacement. I would love to have another pair of these for parts/backup.

Dez 2017

Kundenmeinung (audioreview.com)

DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers


I have 4 Time Window 7's in excellent condition.Black on Black, no tears, original, etc. In fact I have hardly ever used them as I've been listening to my Bose 901's. I read that only about 200 pairs were made..?? Question: What might they be worth...

Sep 2017

Kundenmeinung (audioreview.com)

DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers


I bought my DCM Time windows in 1980. At the time I was trying to decide between them versus Rogers LS3's and Magnapan MG1 the time windows sounded the best to me. I still have mine. They have been moved to the basement because I just purchased a...

Mär 2015

Kundenmeinung (audioreview.com)

DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers


I love to hear that everyone is still enjoying The Time Window 7! By the way I'm the guy that built them in Ann Arbor MI. Believe or not! Went from Time Window 1 to 1a to The best in my opinion the unbelievable Time Window 3! Then came the 7 WOW!

Okt 2014

Kundenmeinung (audioreview.com)

DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers


Bought my DCM Time Window 7s on a 40% off whim when Incredible Universe went out of business in about 1996. I've kept them thru Yamaha to Rotel to Classe electronics and they just keep sounding better. Full range response, tight bass, super clear, with...

Mär 2014

Kundenmeinung (audioreview.com)

DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers


Ok here me up. Time window 7 are unreal, I have had speakers that were 4 times the price of them 7s but them DCM are just unreal, I am the only owner of them and the 2 pair of T-

Sep 2013

Kundenmeinung (audioreview.com)

DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers


I thought I would never find a set of these DCM Time Window Sevens. Only about 200 pairs made, from what I understand. Found mine on Craigslist - the ad was for a "home theater system" - Onkyo 7.2 rec and 5 disk dvd player were the focus. The speakers...

Feb 2012

Kundenmeinung (audioreview.com)

DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers


Hi: I'm new here but not new to audio. Have been dabling in music and audio for about 50 years. Own a recording studiuo & have much real pro gear there. Have also been audiophile for years...just bought a vintage pair of DCM TW3s.......simply fantastic...

Dez 2011

Kundenmeinung (audioreview.com)

DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers


These speakers are the best buy to enter the high-end floorstanding reference market!! The three-way time and phase equalized crossover with electronic driver protection ensures a 20Hz-20,000kHz frequency range. The power handling is an amazing 20 to...

Kundenmeinung (audioreview.com)

DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers


Subwoofer...? I don't need no stinking subwoofer. These Time Window 7's are not to be believed. They have a wonderful presence, with real nice soundstaging, inoffensive high frequency reproduction,(though far from the best), and THUNDERING bass. I work...

Preisvergleich für DCM Time Window Seven Floorstanding Speakers

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